If you are in any one of our e-learning courses and are experiencing freezing/glitching, please clear your cache (including cached images), enable flash (if possible) and restart your browser.
In most cases this will resolve your issue. If your issues persist, please get in touch with us for assistance.
If you are having issues with lessons not loading properly, please check the following:
- If you are viewing the content on a company/school/library network, please try at home or on a different network.
- If you are logging into a VPN to connect to a company network, please login on your person network.
- If you are using a company/school/library computer, please try on a personal computer.
- If you are accessing on WiFi please try on a wired connection.
We also recommend ensuring you meet the requirements below:
If you are accessing the course from your desktop computer, you'll need:
- A Broadband Internet connection
- An up-to-date web browser:
- Internet Explorer 8+
- Firefox 2+
- Safari on Mac 1.2+
- Google Chrome
- Javascript and Cookies enabled
- Flash Player 9+
If you are accessing the course on your mobile device, you'll need:
- An Apple device using Safari
- An Android device using Chrome
While not a requirement the course is best viewed using a minimum screen resolution of 1024x768.
If your issues persist, please get in touch with us for assistance.